One of my first memories of happiness was at school seeing a huge black IBM computer. I wanted to explore further.

I saw a computer and it motivated me.
I saw a computer and it motivated me.
Enthused, excited, a machine I could use and explore.
Could this be my future? I would like to explore,
I didn’t know that the expectation in class was to ignore people who looked like me.
How could I possibly be ambitious and achieve the same as my white peer and become equal in society?
I saw a computer and it motivated me.
Who said that it was forbidden for a black girl to see?
The structures in place were never there to encourage me,
I developed armour and never gave up.
I explored, researched and much, much more, to fill my cup.
I developed and learnt for myself,
and felt free, as no one ever put it there on the shelf for me.
The world slowly opened up for me.
The computer had realised my dreams, my destiny!
If you see a computer and it motivates you,
Remember that feeling and never give up!
Written by: Josephine Farag